The Advisory Panel has submitted 4 formal recommendations to the Animal Control Sub-Committee. Because of the political structure
issues, it wasn’t until last week that the first three were able to be reviewed by Commissioner Pegge Adams. Now that she has been
able to read them, we are able to release them for public review. The first three recommendations were submitted on the following dates
on the topics indicated:
Recommendation 1 : April 9, 2013 – Visitor Cell Phone Policy
Recommendation 2 : May 15, 2013 – Handling of Strays
Recommendation 3: May 21, 2013 – Volunteer Policy (phase 1) and Job Description for Volunteer Coordinator
*To see the full copy of each recommendations on our website, click on each sub-heading in the index of or website.
*To see the full copy of each recommendations on Facebook, follow the steps below. We apologize that this is somewhat
cumbersome. If anyone knows of a better way for us to get these on this page, please let us know. Facebook will not allow
us to upload individual documents. Also, if you are having trouble viewing the files, please send us a private message with your
email address. We would be happy to send them to you via email as well.
1) Look at the top of our page for the sections labeled "About", "Likes", "Events", etc.
2) Keep looking to the right until you see "Scribd"
3) Click on that and then scroll all the way to the bottom of the list.
4) Start reading from the bottom up to see the Advisory Panel's first 3 recommendations.
The Advisory Panel’s 4th recommendation was sent to Commissioner Young this morning. As soon as we know it has been delivered
and read by the Animal Control Sub-Committee, we will update you and provide a copy here.
issues, it wasn’t until last week that the first three were able to be reviewed by Commissioner Pegge Adams. Now that she has been
able to read them, we are able to release them for public review. The first three recommendations were submitted on the following dates
on the topics indicated:
Recommendation 1 : April 9, 2013 – Visitor Cell Phone Policy
Recommendation 2 : May 15, 2013 – Handling of Strays
Recommendation 3: May 21, 2013 – Volunteer Policy (phase 1) and Job Description for Volunteer Coordinator
*To see the full copy of each recommendations on our website, click on each sub-heading in the index of or website.
*To see the full copy of each recommendations on Facebook, follow the steps below. We apologize that this is somewhat
cumbersome. If anyone knows of a better way for us to get these on this page, please let us know. Facebook will not allow
us to upload individual documents. Also, if you are having trouble viewing the files, please send us a private message with your
email address. We would be happy to send them to you via email as well.
1) Look at the top of our page for the sections labeled "About", "Likes", "Events", etc.
2) Keep looking to the right until you see "Scribd"
3) Click on that and then scroll all the way to the bottom of the list.
4) Start reading from the bottom up to see the Advisory Panel's first 3 recommendations.
The Advisory Panel’s 4th recommendation was sent to Commissioner Young this morning. As soon as we know it has been delivered
and read by the Animal Control Sub-Committee, we will update you and provide a copy here.